写真家として二十代で渡米後、N.Y.でアンディ ウォーホールはじめ多くのアーティストと親交を深める。 東京 、ニューヨーク、ヨーロッパ、中東、各国で写真家としての道を追求する。
「今が全て、この一瞬が永遠」をモットーにスピード感のある作風と人の内に秘めた本当の姿を一瞬で見抜きカメラへと収めていく類まれな る技術で多くのミュージシャン、クリエーター、アスリート、世界中のセレブから一個人にいたる多くの人々から信頼を集める。
2011年日本の国技の大横綱となった第69代横綱 白鵬 翔の写真集出版で国内外から大きな評価を得る。
2023年全人類のオンリーワンの魅力を撮影を通して、分断が進む世界において人が共に生きる事、理解し合う事を骨太に発信するコンセプトでGypsy Photographer Projectを始動、2025年2月3日に「一人ひとりが価値ある存在であり、その輝きが地球の輝きに繋がる」という理念に基づき、人類の輝きを象徴する陽光桜を中心とした桜を世界中に植樹するプロジェクト及び関連する諸活動として一般社団法人World Sakura Network設立する。
World Sakura Network
Cherry blossoms bloom in pink all over the world, and humanity shares smiles together.
Led by acclaimed global celebrity and rock star photographer, Hidemi Ogata, this project is based on the philosophy that "Every individual is a unique and precious existence, whose brilliance resonates with the radiant beauty of the Earth." We are engaged in a cherry blossom tree planting project, particularly the Yoko Sakura which symbolizes humanity's radiance, around the globe.
World Sakura Network's 3 Guiding Missions
1. Enriching local communities and contributing to the global environment through the planting of Yoko Sakura trees.
2. Promoting cross-cultural exchange and connections among people through events and photo exhibitions associated with the tree-planting activities.
3. Implementing programs that educate children in photography skills, encouraging them to express the world from their unique perspectives, fostering exchanges with children from various countries, and deepening cross-cultural understanding.
Chairman’s greeting
The proceeds to planting Yoko Sakura
trees across the globe
What is Yoko Sakura?
During World War II, high school teacher Masaaki Takaoka sent his students off to war, telling them, “Fight for our country, win, and be sure to come back. Let’s meet again under this cherry blossom tree in the schoolyard. ”He took a commemorative photo of the young soldiers, but sadly, most never returned. Many died in battle, whether in the freezing cold of Siberia or the tropical heat of the Indochina Peninsula.
Overwhelmed with grief and driven by a deep desire for peace, Takaoka spent the next 30 years after the war developing a cherry blossom that could bloom in any climate around the world. This cherry blossom was named Yoko Sakura. Takaoka often said, “If the Earth were covered in pink cherry blossoms, people would have no choice but to smile at each other.” The Yoko Sakura is a symbol of his unwavering wish for peace.
Through her photography, Hidemi Ogata captures the unique beauty of humanity and dedicates the proceeds to planting Yoko Sakura trees across the globe. The Yoko Sakura Project marks the beginning of a movement to spread love, prosperity, and a collective awakening of humanity through the power of photography.
Membership and support recruitment
Chairman Hidemi Ogata
Hailing from Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan, Hidemi Ogata moved to the United States in her twenties as a photographer, deepening her relationships with many artists, including Andy Warhol, in New York. She has pursued her career as a photographer in Tokyo, New York, Europe, the Middle East, and various other countries.
With the motto "Now is everything; this moment is eternity," She possesses a rare ability to capture not only the dynamic aspect of life but also the genuine essence hidden within people in an instant. Her unique technique has garnered the trust of many musicians, creators, athletes, and celebrities from around the world, as well as individuals from various walks of life.
In 1995, She made her debut in Japan with a photo book featuring Blankey Jet City. In 2011, Se received significant acclaim both domestically and internationally with the publication of a photo book on Hakuho Sho, the 69th Yokozuna as a great champion of SUMO.
In 2023, She launched the Gypsy Photographer Project with a strong concept aimed at promoting coexistence and mutual understanding among people in a world facing increasing division, capturing the unique charm of every individual.
On February 3, 2025, based on the principles of "Everyone is a valuable existence, and their brilliance connects to the brilliance of the Earth," She established World Sakura Network the general incorporated association as a project focused on planting cherry trees, particularly the Yoko Sakura tree, which symbolizes the brilliance of humanity, around the world as well as related activities.
Official website: